Luxury Flowers

Shop the extensive range of flowers, bouquets and arrangements from Sweet Pea Floral Design. Independent Local florist delivering to Radstock and surrounding areas.


Simply The Best Product Image
Simply The Best


Sparkling Champagne
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Sparkling Champagne


Clouds Above  Product Image
Clouds Above


Pink Sensation 
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Pink Sensation


Scented Moonlight 
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Scented Moonlight


Winter Warmer Product Image
Winter Warmer


Sometimes only the best will do. That’s why our luxury collection features only the very best flowers, luxuriously curated in a collection of opulent floral designs.

Using the finest flowers, our expert florists channel their passion and creativity into designing luxury flowers bouquet for any occasion. Whether you choose something contemporary or opt for a tried and tested classic design, we’ll lovingly hand craft your design, package it using the very best materials and personally deliver by hand, including an equally impressive container or vase to make the gift extra special.

Sweet Pea Floral Design delivers across Midsomer Norton and surrounding areas and can organise same day luxury flower delivery on orders placed before 2pm.